FlashCourse gives you fun, fast, free courses about money, investing, stocks, bonds, crypto, banks, saving, budgeting, mortages, real estate, student loans, credit cards, options, futures, derivatives and so much more. No ads, no subscriptions - ever.
The most common trait among the world's wealthiest people is this - all of them understand money and investing. Yes, they know how to make money. But they also know how to invest money. They know how investing works. They have a plan, and they stick to it. This can't happen without knowledge about finance - but there's one problem...
Learning about money and finance...kind of sucks. Yep, we said it. It's super boring. It's try, it's riddled with financial jargon and terms barely anybody knows. Most of the great finance and investing tools out there either require you to already know what you're doing, OR they take advantage of the fact that you don't.
...Until now.
With FlashCourse, you can join THOUSANDS of learners interested in learning about money and finance such as stocks, bonds, futures, options, bitcoin, ethereum, the history of money, banks, taxes, budgeting and more – no matter how much experience and time you have!
FlashCourse makes learning the basics of money and investing fun and engaging with animated content to teach you what you want to learn, quick quizzes to test your understanding, and achievements to keep you motivated.
And best of all, it's FREE!
We get it. You log into your online bank account at Wells Fargo, Chase, Citibank, BOA or...wherever... and you're instantly hit with a wave of depression. You work SO hard - but your account balance just isn't quite what you thought it would be by now - right?
If a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, a journey towards building wealth begins with learning about money and investing. FlashCourse makes it easy, fun and free.
As a short, 5-minute part of your daily routine, you can learn about stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency, futures, options, bitcoin, ethereum, municipal bonds, or any other type of security.
Fun, animated courses include:
• Stocks from Scratch (bakery theme)
• Bonds, James Bonds (secret agent theme)
• Bitcoin Bananas (jungle theme)
• Futuristic Futures (robot theme)
• The History of Money (a journey through time)
• The Raging River of Money (white water rafting theme)
• The Magic of Ethereum (halloween theme)
• Litecoin, Camera, Action (movie set theme)
• Blockchain Cowboys (old west theme)
• Common Stock Circus (circus theme)
...and DOZENS more! All free. Yes - totally free. No catch.
Want to understand what you're seeing on that ticker on CNBC or Bloomberg? FlashCourse has your back.
Want to see your account balance on Robinhood, Fidelity, Etrade or TD Ameritrade grow? FlashCourse can help educate you.
Want to be able to have a simple, intelligent conversation about various topics in finance like building a stock portfolio, hedging with options, or what the heck Vanguard is? FlashCourse is there for you.
FlashCourse is the best and most fun way to learn about money and investing in just 5 minutes a day. Keep track of your progress, unlock achievements, and join a growing army of thousands of learners.
Our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use are available at http://flashcourse.co/privacy-terms/.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at support@flashcourse.co.
FlashCourse memberi Anda kursus yang menyenangkan, cepat, gratis tentang uang, investasi, saham, obligasi, crypto, bank, tabungan, penganggaran, hipotek, real estat, pinjaman mahasiswa, kartu kredit, opsi, futures, turunan, dan banyak lagi. Tidak ada iklan, tidak ada langganan - lamanya.
Ciri yang paling umum di antara orang-orang terkaya di dunia adalah ini - semuanya mengerti uang dan berinvestasi. Ya, mereka tahu cara menghasilkan uang. Tetapi mereka juga tahu cara menginvestasikan uang. Mereka tahu cara kerja investasi. Mereka punya rencana, dan mereka menaatinya. Ini tidak dapat terjadi tanpa pengetahuan tentang keuangan - tetapi ada satu masalah ...
Belajar tentang uang dan keuangan ... agak menyebalkan. Ya, kami mengatakannya. Sangat membosankan. Sudah dicoba, penuh dengan jargon keuangan dan persyaratan yang nyaris tidak ada yang tahu. Sebagian besar alat keuangan dan investasi hebat di luar sana mengharuskan Anda untuk sudah tahu apa yang Anda lakukan, ATAU mereka mengambil keuntungan dari kenyataan bahwa Anda tidak.
...Sampai sekarang.
Dengan FlashCourse, Anda dapat bergabung dengan RIBUAN pelajar yang tertarik mempelajari tentang uang dan keuangan seperti saham, obligasi, futures, opsi, bitcoin, ethereum, sejarah uang, bank, pajak, penganggaran, dan lainnya - tidak peduli berapa banyak pengalaman dan waktu kamu punya!
FlashCourse menjadikan belajar dasar-dasar uang dan berinvestasi menyenangkan dan melibatkan dengan konten animasi untuk mengajarkan Anda apa yang ingin Anda pelajari, kuis cepat untuk menguji pemahaman Anda, dan prestasi untuk membuat Anda tetap termotivasi.
Dan yang terbaik, GRATIS!
Kami mengerti. Anda masuk ke rekening bank online Anda di Wells Fargo, Chase, Citibank, BOA atau ... di mana pun ... dan Anda langsung terkena gelombang depresi. Anda bekerja sangat keras - tetapi saldo akun Anda tidak seperti yang Anda kira sekarang - benar?
Jika perjalanan seribu mil dimulai dengan satu langkah, perjalanan menuju membangun kekayaan dimulai dengan belajar tentang uang dan berinvestasi. FlashCourse membuatnya mudah, menyenangkan, dan gratis.
Sebagai bagian singkat, 5 menit dari rutinitas harian Anda, Anda dapat mempelajari tentang saham, obligasi, cryptocurrency, futures, opsi, bitcoin, ethereum, obligasi kota, atau jenis keamanan lainnya.
Kursus animasi yang menyenangkan meliputi:
• Stok dari Awal (tema toko roti)
• Obligasi, James Bonds (tema agen rahasia)
• Pisang Bitcoin (tema hutan)
• Futuristik Futures (tema robot)
• Sejarah Uang (perjalanan melalui waktu)
• Sungai Uang yang Mengamuk (tema arung jeram)
• Keajaiban Ethereum (tema halloween)
• Litecoin, Kamera, Aksi (tema set film)
• Blockchain Cowboys (tema barat lama)
• Sirkus Saham Biasa (tema sirkus)
... dan DOZENS lebih banyak! Semua bebas. Ya - benar-benar gratis. Tanpa tangkapan.
Ingin mengerti apa yang Anda lihat pada ticker di CNBC atau Bloomberg? FlashCourse mendukung Anda.
Ingin melihat saldo akun Anda pada Robinhood, Fidelity, Etrade, atau TD Ameritrade tumbuh? FlashCourse dapat membantu mendidik Anda.
Ingin dapat memiliki percakapan yang sederhana dan cerdas tentang berbagai topik di bidang keuangan seperti membangun portofolio saham, lindung nilai dengan opsi, atau apa sih Vanguard? FlashCourse ada untuk Anda.
FlashCourse adalah cara terbaik dan paling menyenangkan untuk belajar tentang uang dan berinvestasi hanya dalam 5 menit sehari. Pantau kemajuan Anda, buka pencapaian, dan bergabunglah dengan ribuan pelajar yang terus bertambah.
Kebijakan Privasi dan Ketentuan Penggunaan kami tersedia di http://flashcourse.co/privacy-terms/.
Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami di support@flashcourse.co.
FlashCourse gives you fun, fast, free courses about money, investing, stocks, bonds, crypto, banks, saving, budgeting, mortages, real estate, student loans, credit cards, options, futures, derivatives and so much more. No ads, no subscriptions - ever.
The most common trait among the world's wealthiest people is this - all of them understand money and investing. Yes, they know how to make money. But they also know how to invest money. They know how investing works. They have a plan, and they stick to it. This can't happen without knowledge about finance - but there's one problem...
Learning about money and finance...kind of sucks. Yep, we said it. It's super boring. It's try, it's riddled with financial jargon and terms barely anybody knows. Most of the great finance and investing tools out there either require you to already know what you're doing, OR they take advantage of the fact that you don't.
...Until now.
With FlashCourse, you can join THOUSANDS of learners interested in learning about money and finance such as stocks, bonds, futures, options, bitcoin, ethereum, the history of money, banks, taxes, budgeting and more – no matter how much experience and time you have!
FlashCourse makes learning the basics of money and investing fun and engaging with animated content to teach you what you want to learn, quick quizzes to test your understanding, and achievements to keep you motivated.
And best of all, it's FREE!
We get it. You log into your online bank account at Wells Fargo, Chase, Citibank, BOA or...wherever... and you're instantly hit with a wave of depression. You work SO hard - but your account balance just isn't quite what you thought it would be by now - right?
If a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, a journey towards building wealth begins with learning about money and investing. FlashCourse makes it easy, fun and free.
As a short, 5-minute part of your daily routine, you can learn about stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency, futures, options, bitcoin, ethereum, municipal bonds, or any other type of security.
Fun, animated courses include:
• Stocks from Scratch (bakery theme)
• Bonds, James Bonds (secret agent theme)
• Bitcoin Bananas (jungle theme)
• Futuristic Futures (robot theme)
• The History of Money (a journey through time)
• The Raging River of Money (white water rafting theme)
• The Magic of Ethereum (halloween theme)
• Litecoin, Camera, Action (movie set theme)
• Blockchain Cowboys (old west theme)
• Common Stock Circus (circus theme)
...and DOZENS more! All free. Yes - totally free. No catch.
Want to understand what you're seeing on that ticker on CNBC or Bloomberg? FlashCourse has your back.
Want to see your account balance on Robinhood, Fidelity, Etrade or TD Ameritrade grow? FlashCourse can help educate you.
Want to be able to have a simple, intelligent conversation about various topics in finance like building a stock portfolio, hedging with options, or what the heck Vanguard is? FlashCourse is there for you.
FlashCourse is the best and most fun way to learn about money and investing in just 5 minutes a day. Keep track of your progress, unlock achievements, and join a growing army of thousands of learners.
Our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use are available at http://flashcourse.co/privacy-terms/.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at support@flashcourse.co.